
Being an author is not what I thought... Follow @mistersalesman

"Being an author is not what I thought--it's so demanding. I thought all I had to do was write and publish a book on Amazon, and people could search and find it. And I could make a lot of money. I know I need more followers, but I just don't have the time. I have a full-time job, family, and I need time to write my books. Plus, I've read many of those how-to-Twitter books, and they didn't help at all."

Nothing's the way you thought until you get in the game. How about that guy or gal who you thought was so fantastic until you stepped into their world. Do you get my point? Anyway, there's never enough time, and there's more competition than ever. One day having a book published on Amazon will be as popular as having a Facebook account. And without a lot of followers, book sales will be almost non-existent. Even traditional publishers are looking for authors with a large social media platform. Listen! I know what I'm talking about, I've felt the agonizing, gut wrenching, pain of dismal sales. It's all about marketing and not books. Marketing is 99% and Product 1%. The more followers, the more exposure, and more exposure lead to more reviews and more sales. You could have the best book in the world, but if people don't know it exists how can they buy it. "I didn't know this book existed...I would have bought it sooner if I had known." That's about all they could say. In the meantime, you'll get so frustrated, and think being an author is not worth it and throw in the towel. Then you just proved everyone right who said you couldn't be an author.

Your fortune is about to change. I'm going to show you how to gain 25-100 followers in under 15 minutes a day with one simple KEY. And it will also give you an unfair advantage over the competition because the majority are not going to buy this book. That's good for you and bad for them.

And in case, you didn't know--I have over 338,000 followers and the author of the bestseller How To Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers. I've just released a shorter version, a primer book for people who don't have a lot of time to spend on Twitter. The Twitter Secret Key Revealed teaches how to gain 25-100 followers--in under 15 minutes a day! It's 33 pages of pure dynamite. You can gain even more if you want to put in the time.

Quick & Easy to implement-- Amazing results in the first 48 hours or lunch is on me!

Keep reading, and I'll give you some social proof that it works! Or go ahead and buy it now, but don't leave this page until you do. Click Here. It's your business for Goodness Sakes!


This is a primer book that gets you ready for the main book --HTG100k Followers. It also puts you on the right road how to use Twitter effectively; to gain more followers, build more relationships, discover more opportunities, and make more sales. Make no bones about it--you will see results immediately from either book.

Why take advice from people who have fewer followers than you. Please verify M LeMont 338,000+ followers @Mistersalesman on Twitter.

Since the publication date, both books have gained over 4million followers for customers who registered their purchase.

Social Proof. Real People. Real Testimonials

"If you had told me that I could get 1000 followers per week with a brand new Twitter account, all my alarms would have gone off shouting, "Gimmick!" But the strategy works! I had passed the 2,000 following limit the first day I followed the easy process. @sandra_moyers

"On Superbowl Sunday, Feb 2nd, I had 2,900 and today 11,905. I've been using your strategies and continue to grow." @m_rjoseph

"I can't say enough about the system, it flat-out works! In the first two weeks, I increased my followers by over 6,000 and it's continuing!" @wileylaw2

"Thanks! You've been a massive Help. Much appreciated. I just hit 3,000." @nrpmccree

"On April 1 I set my goal for April 30th to get to 1250. I'm gonna need a bigger goal. I'm now at 4,263 followers!" @goodsolitaire

Now if you want to learn how to gain 25-100 followers every day--win friends and influence people--in under 15 minutes a day-- Click Here for The Twitter Secret Key Revealed.

And if you want to gain 100-300 followers every day, buy How To Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers, Secrets Revealed by An Expert.

Twitter changed the world and these books will change the way you use Twitter. I guarantee it!
