
Don't Work for The Man--Be The Man Follow @mistersalesman

"There are no deadlines on dreams."

I have a strong disdain for waking up to an alarm clock, sitting in rush-hour–traffic, told what time I can go to lunch, and pandering the boss.

I am glad that I'm an IBO, Independent Business Owner; author, writer, publisher, producer.

Here's what Ken McCarthy's said about being self-employed in "System Club Letters":

"As entrepreneurs, we enjoy many things, large and small, that the average person– even someone with a great job–can't even imagine. Stay the course. It's worth it."

Growing up I watched my father work two full-time jobs to make ends meet. After working 30 years to build someone else's dreams, he got a handshake, a Timex watch, and a small pension check of 40% of his salary.

My father is typical of what the average person can look forward to as an employee--if you don't build your dreams someone will hire you to build theirs.

It reminds me of a story of a guy who worked for a railroad company.

On one hot summer day, temperature 105 degrees– in a small town of Louisiana–there was a crew of ten men working hard–carrying heavy rails and digging with picks and shovels.

Most of the men were young right out of high school. The team leader was Jeff Bean who was in his mid-fifties.

At exactly 12 noon, a long black limo drives up, and everybody stopped working and just stared at the limo.

It was Jonathan Butler, the owner of the biggest railroad construction company in the State.

He stuck his head out the window and looked at his crew and he shouted . . . Hey, you men get back to work ...

Then he yelled,

"Hey, Jeff Bean! Is that really fucking you, man?"

Jeff shouted back, "It sure the fuck is!"

Jonathan laughed, "Get your ugly looking ass over here so I can take you to lunch?"

"Yes, sir!"

All eyes were focused on Jeff Bean, he stood out like a toad on a leaf. He quickly washed his hands and ran to the limo and got in. The limo drove off and the crew was in a state of shock.

A few hours later, the limo dropped Jeff Bean off at the railway yard.

One guy on the crew asked Jeff, "What was that all about? How do you know the boss man?"

Jeff Bean felt proud and stuck out his chest and said, "I've been knowing him for 30 years. The boss and I started working for this railroad company on the very same day–in this same yard–laying the same tracks–in this same miserable hot sun–for the same exact pay--30 years ago."

There was a long silence that rippled through the crew of 10.

Then another man said, "Wait a minute Jeff Bean. Let me get this straight. You and the boss man started working for this railroad company on the same day–on the same job–for the same pay–over 30 years ago. Is that what you're saying here?"

Jeff Bean said, "You're damn right! That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Well, why the fuck is he the owner of the company and you're just an employee like the rest of us and still out here laboring in the hot sun?"

Jeff Bean hung his head and said, "You know, I asked the boss the same question at lunch and he told me...

"Jeff Bean, the difference between me and you–30 years ago, when we both started working here, you were looking for a job–and I was looking to take over the damn company. I never had an employee mindset–my parents taught me to be an entrepreneur from the first day I was born. They trained my mind that I could do anything if I believe-- they always said, Don't Work for The Man–Be the Man."


What a great story!

Now, what are you going to do after reading it?

It's never too late.

You must train your mind for success.

You have Greatness inside you.

Grab a copy of my new book, Don't Let Anybody Steal Your Dreams. Click Here

It will change your life, I guarantee it.
