
How To Sell Any Product On The Internet

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Reading time 4min 50 sec

by M LeMont

I knew a man who had cockroaches—lots of cockroaches! One day, he said enough is enough and loaded his gun and started shooting one cockroach at a time. A bullet ricochet off the wall through the window and killed his neighbor’s dog. Then he got into a fight with the neighbor and went to jail for assault and battery and unlawful firing of a firearm. Now he’s facing a maximum of 5 years in prison.

When I was younger, I did a research paper on cockroaches. I was fascinated by their existence. Here’s what I discovered.

Cockroaches have lived more than 200 million years and predated some dinosaurs. They have survived everything from natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, insecticides, poisons. droughts, mudslides, wildfires even the atomic bomb. They are the most adaptable creature on the planet.

  • Cockroaches can run 3 miles per hour and have six flexible legs, lightning reflexes.

  • If roaches were the size of a human that would factor out to 200 miles per hour! Some can run even faster than that. Goddamn Cockroaches!

  • Spread germs and bacteria throughout the home

  • Swim through drain pipes kitchen, bathroom sinks

  • Can hold its breath up to 40 minutes

  • Can live for seven days without its head

  • They will eat and drink anything

  • They always appear at the most embarrassing time like when you have friends over for dinner


There are more than 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide

Some are attracted to alcoholic beverages and get drunk on beer. I could go on forever about this fascinating creature, but I respect your time. So, what is the solution if you have roaches? The best solution for roaches-- HARRIS Boric Acid Roach Killer with Lure. This Stuff Works! Formerly called Roach Proof. In the 1980s, retail outlets refused to sell it because it gets rid of roaches without repeated product purchases.

Now here is the point of this story.

You can sell any product on the internet if you keep this one thing in mind. Don’t try to sell your product. Tell an exciting story, talk to people about everyday problems and then transition into a solution for their problem. Like the roach story, you may not have them, but you may have found the story fascinating, helpful, or entertaining. And if the day ever comes that you have a problem with roaches, you'll know how to get rid of them, and you might even share this story with a friend.

Once you become a storyteller, you’ll be able to sell anything on the internet. And you know what else? You should read lots of short storybooks and pay attention to the structure, pace, tone, and rhythm. Here is the link to one of my short books, These Eyes Have Seen.

If you know anyone with a roach problem, I highly recommend buying a can of Harris Roach Boric Acid Powder. I may earn a commission under Amazon's Affiliate Program if you buy any products mentioned on this site. #Paidlink.

Buy on Amazon Harris Boric Acid Roach Killer with Lure


Pièce de resistance... Now, I've saved the best for last, 'The Twitter Secret Key Revealed On Steroids,' and Go Beyond 100,000. Sign up for the 30-Day FREE Trial.

“I love the RTL Twitter Follow Strategy! Having the right people to follow and following them at the right times, with the accounts right there before me, is like having my meals delivered to my doorstep. Following has never been easier. Thank you, M LeMont" - TGB

This innovative approach is akin to igniting rocket boosters, propelling you forward by saving precious time in your search for the right accounts to follow—and eliminating wasted effort and mental stress, the three primary reasons why people quit trying to gain followers.

In just a few targeted follow sessions every day, you will gain followers quickly like never before. The strategy revolves around strategically following accounts of retweeters, but rest assured, these are not your ordinary retweeters. Through rigorous testing and proprietary techniques, I have meticulously selected them from high-performing categories with the highest follow-back percentages.

Here's how it works

During the 30-Day Free Trial, I will send Primetime messages containing tweets for you to vet and follow the people who have retweeted them. Yes, you heard it right – vet and follow those who have retweeted the tweets. To begin, click on 'retweets,' which will display a list of everyone who has retweeted the tweet within the last 24 hours. These retweeters are the accounts you should follow if they meet my rigorous criteria.

Moreover, the tweets are focused on highly selective categories in the US and UK, as these categories have consistently shown the highest success rates for follow-backs, ranging from 50% to 85% of the time. By targeting these categories, you can maximize your chances of gaining new followers.

Additionally, leveraging different time zones will allow you to optimize engagement, as retweeters are more likely to follow back, particularly when they have been recently active online.

The key to the success of this strategy is to access the tweets while they are still fresh, and the retweeters are actively using Twitter. By being prompt in vetting and following them, you can position yourself at the top of their follow-backs and greatly increase your chances of gaining new followers.

I highly recommend signing up for The Twitter Secret Key Revealed on Steroids 30-Day FREE Trial! It will make gaining followers so much easier and stress-free. This offer is limited to the number of subscribers in the program. Send me an email stating, "Sign me up for the FREE 30-day Free Trial" to or click

One Other Huge Benefit

I will also give you my 'My Secret' vetting criteria to avoid bots and increase your follow-back percentage. This criteria is crucial to making the RTL strategy work. The criteria are simple: each account must meet three protocols which I will give during the training session.

Act quickly to take advantage of this limited-time offer! Sign up today by sending me an email stating, "Sign me up for the 30-Day Free Trial, The Twitter Secret Key on Steroids" to or Click


You can also purchase my best-seller How to Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers. This book teaches in a way that the newbie fresh on Twitter or the seasoned pro can profit from it.

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Below is a small sampling of individuals who have benefited from my Masterclass, coaching, consultations, books, or reports. Most started with less than 3,000 followers, and some with less than 100. If they can do it, you can too!

@DoriCreates 368,900! @TableOfferings 205,000! @JuliaGrantham2 299,000! @PsychicHealerC 148,777 @claudia_oltean 148,000, 167,000 @enriquillo2 136,000 @goodsolitaire 136,000! @bobbyblaze744, 147,000! @DivMeta 158,00 @osideo 127,000! @Tammysdragonfly 150,000! @EroticaTiffany 103,000! @Randomitable 100,000! @AmyJRomine 101,000 @HollowManSeries 91,000 @AReeceAuthor 92,000! @AaronDYeoman 74,000 @m_rjoseph 59,000 @AuthorSLloyd1 50,000 @davebaileyme 46,000 @TheWaringWomen 75,000 @DaleRominger 56,000 @lawrence_wray 43,000 @JoeGadway 43,000 @TheHojer 32,000 @RichardHWebb 20,000 @TheJennieration 23,000.