
How To Use Amazon "Look Inside" Feature To Make More Sales

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Reading Time: 4min 5sec

by M LeMont

When it comes to selling e-books no company does it better than Amazon. It has enough intelligence information on book shoppers that it would make Homeland Security nervous.

For example–the "Look Inside" feature is where a browser can read the first 10% of your book, free.

It's your last chance to make a sale before they move on to greener pastures.

Amazon know that shoppers purchase books on 100% impulse and they also change their minds on the same impulsive behavior.

The Shopping Cart Abandonment rate for e-books is 70%.

Ouch!!! You got the customer to the table; the ink pen is in their profitable little hands, and they changed their mind at the last second.

What happened?

Well, maybe you bored them to death with all the dull information you put in front of your book; the Acknowledgement page, sign-up for free newsletter, other books by author, dedication, disclaimer, and copyright.

Each turn of the page takes the shopper further away from hitting the buy button.

"And yes, all of this is your fault, so put that coffee down!"


I'm here to show you how to use the "Look Inside" feature.

It's your last good chance to land the sale before the shopper buys my book that Amazon advertised at the bottom of your description page.

I'm not going to bore them to death with a lot of excessive, wasted, and boring details.

When the shopper "Looks Inside" my book I'm going to take them straight to–Why I Wrote This Book, What They Can Expect, and The Table of Contents.

Now they can browse the chapter titles that I so perfectly selected and titled to be read in the first 10% of the book. This will help an undecided shopper who was straddling the fence, make a decision to buy.

The "Look Inside" is just as important as writing your book, so take it seriously.

So my sweet dumpling, here are 8 Ways To Use The "Look Inside" feature to sell more books.

1. Plan and write the best material you can and place it in the front of your book.

It's like a sales letter, but you're not trying to sell them–customers don't want to be sold, they want to buy, and they don't want to be bored.

2. Don't put long & boring narration in the first 10% of your book. Put your best scenes first. Don't tell them–show them. Open the door–let them come in, and see the fight.

3. At the bottom of your DESCRIPTION page, add this note:

"Look Inside" Read 10% free. Scroll up to the top left corner of the page.

It's your last shot, so why not use it? Click here and see how I added it to the bottom of my DESCRIPTION page. I'll wait right here until you get back.

4. Put all front material in the back of your book: Acknowledgements, Disclaimer, Newsletter, Dedication, Other books, Cover designer, Copyright, etc.

5. When the shopper "Looks Inside" quickly take them to the Introduction that you specifically wrote to motivate them to buy your book or at least to read The Table Of Contents.

I take the shopper directly to three pages titled:

  • Why I Wrote This Book

  • What You Can Expect From This Book

  • Table Of Contents

Carefully name your Chapter titles and place them strategically in your Table Of Contents.

Go read the first 10% of your book on Amazon and see if it motivates you to buy it.

If the first 10% didn't motivate you to buy your own book, then rewrite the first 10% and make it better. Then publish the changes on Amazon. What? You can't make your book better because it's already published?

Who told you that? You can edit after publishing and even write more pages. It's a digital book, remember?

It will give you an enormous advantage.

The "Look Inside" feature is your last good chance to close the sale.

Don't think the shopper will come back later to make the purchase.

It doesn't work that way. If you only knew what a shopper is THINKING–you would be shocked!

Now go and make the changes. I bet a shopper is "Looking Inside" your book this very second.

If you want more publishing and marketing secrets, get a copy of my book. Available on Amazon, Ebook Paperback Write Like You're Already Famous.

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