
The Universe’s Invisible SalesForce, "Epidemics”

The Universe’s Invisible SalesForce, "Epidemics”

Follow on Twitter

by M LeMont

Reading time 4min 30sec

I’ve been experimenting with ways to tap into the energy that makes things go viral deliberately. That’s one of the reasons I wrote How To Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers. Because everything starts with activity, no activity, you’re pretty much dead in the water. Imagine if you could turn your ideas into something that spreads like a virus. Marketing scientists have been trying to discover the secret formula for years, but now, advances in technology and the internet open up new galaxies of possibilities.

I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point. It’s a fascinating study into why things spread. Just as there is the unfortunate Tipping point for the spread of diseases, there are also “Epidemics” that create a following crazed for ideas, trends, books, movies, smoking, drugs, alcohol, crime, suicide, etc.

Gladwell’s book delves deep into the phenomena of why and how things go viral, moving from one person to the next, one street corner to the next, one city to the next, from one country to the next. These “Epidemics,” as Malcolm calls them, are the Universe’s Invisible SalesForce--that carries and distributes everything without thought or concern—leaving the participants unaware of what happened. The Tipping Point, according to Gladwell, occurs when the energy, elements, circumstances, people, time, and place cross a certain threshold---Then … things TIP and affect everyone and everything it touches. It affects social behavior, health, buying patterns, politics, and how people think. It’s an explosion of positivity or complete devastation. No one can predict or explain its power—why or how it happens. It just happens, and you are affected positively or negatively.

I see it happening on Social Media in “Dark Social,” the black hole where link clicks are unidentified and inaccurately reported. According to studies, 65-85% of users share tweets using Direct messaging, text messages, email, community groups, word of mouth, mobile apps, or typing links into their browsers that are not trackable. I’ve tested my link clicks with, and there were 100-200% more clicks. This is a game-changer to know another market exists—Dark Social. To test this, use a link tracker like and compare the Clicks with Twitter Analytics. Bitly lists them in 3 categories: Twitter, Other, and “Direct” ( Dark Social.) You will be shocked to discover that you have significantly more clicks than what is reported by Twitter and other Social Media platforms.

Science is matching. Things must match for a Tipping Point to occur, and normally it starts with people talking in Dark Social, texting, and messaging about a topic, person, product, service, etc. People are the invisible sales force for something to spread like an epidemic.

Malcolm says, “We need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow small events and that these changes can happen very quickly. This possibility of sudden change is at the center of the idea behind the Tipping Point and might well be the hardest of all to accept.”

The slightest change in circumstance can make the most significant difference and cause things to tip for better or worse. A sudden reversal of fortune can turn your life upside down—the vision changes. You don’t see things the same way anymore.

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld was right on point. Things we didn’t see coming in a million years, like a butterfly flying in the eye of a tropical storm and turning it into a Category 5 Hurricane, or how about Covid 19, or the 2016 Election and Donald Trump becoming president, and now our Democracy is at a Tipping Point.

Everything has a Tipping Point, the matching and convergence of things, events, or ideas at the right time. So keep experimenting, testing new ideas, and planting seeds. You never know which one will turn into a mighty Oak tree.

One other thing

Limited Time Offer: I'm offering my Masterclass 30-day FREE Trial to introduce the RTL follow strategy. This strategy is specifically designed for serious-minded individuals who want to build a successful Twitter platform of 100,000 Twitter Followers. In just a few targeted follow sessions every day, you will become an expert and gain followers like never before.

The strategy revolves around strategically following accounts of retweeters, but rest assured, these are not your ordinary retweeters. Through rigorous testing and proprietary techniques, we have meticulously selected them from high-performing categories with the highest follow-back percentages.

Here's how it works: During the 30-day Free Trial, I will send primetime tweets for you to vet and follow the people who have retweeted them. Yes, you heard it right - vet and follow those who have retweeted the tweets. To begin, click on 'retweets,' which will display a list of everyone who has retweeted the tweet within the last 24 hours. These retweeters are the accounts you should follow if they meet my rigorous criteria.

Moreover, the tweets are focused on highly selective categories in the US and UK, as these categories have consistently shown the highest success rates for follow-backs, ranging from 50% to 85% of the time. By targeting these categories, you can maximize your chances of gaining new followers. Additionally, leveraging different time zones will allow you to optimize engagement, as retweeters are more likely to follow back, particularly when they have been recently active online.

The key to the success of this strategy is to access the tweets while they are still fresh, and the retweeters are actively using Twitter. By being prompt in vetting and following them, you can position yourself at the top of their follow-backs and greatly increase your chances of gaining new followers.

Don't miss out on this revolutionary approach! Sign up for the Masterclass 30-day FREE Trial and take the first step towards Twitter success! Send me an email stating, "Sign me up for the free Masterclass 30-day Free Trial" to or Click here


You must also vet each account before following them to avoid bots and increase your follow-back percentage. Using 'My Secret' vetting criteria is crucial to making the RTL strategy work. The criteria are simple: each account must meet three protocols which I will give during the training session.

Act quickly to take advantage of this limited-time offer! Sign up today by sending me an email stating "Sign me up for the free Masterclass" to or Click here

You can also purchase my best-seller How to Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers. This book teaches in a way that the newbie fresh on Twitter or the seasoned pro can profit from it.

Order Free Sample for PC Kindle or any mobile device Click here

Below is a small sampling of individuals who have benefited from my Masterclass, coaching, consultations, books, or reports. Most started with less than 3,000 followers, and some with less than 100. If they can do it, you can too!

@DoriCreates 368,900! @TableOfferings 205,000! @JuliaGrantham2 299,000! @PsychicHealerC 148,777 @claudia_oltean 148,000, 167,000 @enriquillo2 136,000 @goodsolitaire 136,000! @bobbyblaze744, 147,000! @DivMeta 158,00 @osideo 127,000! @Tammysdragonfly 150,000! @EroticaTiffany 103,000! @Randomitable 100,000! @AmyJRomine 101,000 @HollowManSeries 91,000 @AReeceAuthor 92,000! @AaronDYeoman 74,000 @m_rjoseph 59,000 @AuthorSLloyd1 50,000 @davebaileyme 46,000 @TheWaringWomen 75,000 @DaleRominger 56,000 @lawrence_wray 43,000 @JoeGadway 43,000 @TheHojer 32,000 @RichardHWebb 20,000 @TheJennieration 23,000.