
Your thinking about ChatGPT is probably all wrong

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by M LeMont

Your thinking about ChatGPT is probably all wrong. Part 2


In the movie The Matrix, Cypher said, “And I want to be rich. You know, someone important, like an actor."

Agent Smith replied, "Whatever you want, Mr. Cypher."

ChatGPT is similar to "Whatever you want, Mr. Cypher. Whatever you want.” It’s your Genie in a bottle.

Most people I've talked to about ChatGPT say, "I'll try it at least once," to which I thought, "Once? That’s it?" While others are just flat-out intimidated and say, "I saw AI in the movies," or don't want to learn anything new. The reasoning for this type of thinking is that most people are not motivated, lazy, and in most cases, don’t know what they've got.

What if you stumbled upon a mysterious gadget in your backyard that had infinite intelligence and the power to create, innovate, and write content, music, poems, essays, doctoral papers, novels, scripts, movies, songs, court reports, documents, codes, mathematical and scientific equations, and provide answers to any question you could imagine?

A gadget so advanced that it felt like it had been brought back from the future. And what if an alien being had left it here, and you discovered it?

Well, this isn't a sci-fi movie plot. This gadget does exist, and it's called ChatGPT - an artificial intelligence model trained by OpenAI to communicate with humans in natural language.

With its advanced language processing capabilities, it can answer almost any question and generate text on any topic you could think of.

And, if you request it, ChatGPT can check over your work for grammar, punctuation, and edits and point out the changes while teaching you at the same time.

But the gadget's power doesn't just stop there. Once you learn how to communicate with it effectively, you're only limited by your imagination in terms of how you can use it to enrich your life and make money.

Perhaps you're thinking, 'This is all well and good, but how do I use ChatGPT?' It's simple—all you need to do is talk to it as if you were talking to a human. Ask it questions, give it prompts, or describe what you're looking for in as much detail as possible. Sometimes it may require rephrasing the question in the same way a lawyer does in a courtroom. If you provide it with the right input, you will get the right output.

However, there's a catch - ChatGPT needs clear and concise instructions to understand what you want. The key to getting the most out of it is knowing what questions to ask.

The more specific and detailed your question is, the more accurate and relevant the answer will be.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT "What's the best restaurant in town?" You'll get a broad range of responses based on different criteria.

However, if you provide more context and ask, "What's the best Italian restaurant in town for a romantic dinner?" ChatGPT will provide more targeted and accurate answers.

The applications of ChatGPT are limitless.

You can use it to research and write reports, produce marketing material, and brainstorm ideas for your business.

If you are a writer, it can help you overcome writer's block by generating ideas and suggestions to get your creative juices flowing. And it can eliminate the frustration of staring at a blank page, making the writing process smoother and more efficient by suggesting words, phrases, and even entire sentences to enhance your storytelling.

But there's a challenge here - using ChatGPT to its full potential requires effort and curiosity.

It's easy to become lazy and rely on its answers without fully understanding how it works.

However, if you invest time and energy in learning how to use it effectively, the possibilities are endless.

As the owner of this mysterious gadget, you have the power to change your life and the lives of others. You can choose to let it collect dust, give it away, or ignore it and let others use it. Or you can embrace its potential and make the most out of it.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a game-changer in the world of artificial intelligence. It's like having your own personal genie in a bottle - capable of granting almost any wish you can imagine. The challenge is to learn how to communicate with it effectively, ask the right questions, and make the most out of its potential.

So, what will you do?

Will you be an early adopter and get ahead of the competition, or will you let everyone pass you by? The choice is yours. The gadget is waiting for you to discover its power, and it's up to you to make the most of it.

Each individual has their own unique methods, processes, style, and signature that work best for them. To begin using ChatGPT, you can utilize the '10 Commonly Used Prompts': simply designate your request by using a colon and enclosing the prompt in quotation marks.

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Extract relevant information and provide direct answers to your questions.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Write using clear and simple language, avoiding jargon and acronyms.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Use a conversational and relatable style that makes it feel like we're having a friendly chat.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: ‘Utilize markdown formatting to make the information organized and easy to navigate.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Use sentence fragments and figurative language to create punchy, attention-grabbing writing that is concise and direct.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Write in a persuasive tone that engages readers by using rhetorical questions and storytelling.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Use clear language to explain complex ideas, breaking them down into simple frameworks and providing actionable takeaways.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Write in a formal and academic tone, utilizing sophisticated vocabulary and grammar, and presenting counter-arguments and dissenting opinions in a balanced and objective manner.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Use simple and straightforward language, informal grammar, and non-standard English to create a conversational style that is accessible and relatable to all.”

ChatGPT, please make sure your responses meet the following guidelines: “Emulate a Writer: “Ernest Hemingway's writing style.”

Here are ten writers whose writing styles you may want to emulate if you admire Ernest Hemingway's writing style:

Raymond Carver - Known for his minimalist style, Carver's writing is straightforward and often focuses on blue-collar characters and their struggles.

James Baldwin - Baldwin's writing is characterized by its clarity and honesty. His prose is both poetic and accessible, making it a great model for anyone looking to write with elegance and depth.

Joan Didion - Didion's writing is often described as cool and detached, yet deeply insightful. She is a master of the short, powerful sentence, and her work is filled with vivid imagery and sensory details.

Flannery O'Connor - O'Connor's writing is characterized by its stark realism and dark humor. She has a gift for creating memorable characters and vivid descriptions of the American South.

Raymond Chandler - Chandler's writing is known for its gritty, hard-boiled style. He was a master of the detective genre, and his work is filled with vivid descriptions and snappy dialogue.

Cormac McCarthy - McCarthy's writing is characterized by its spare, poetic style. His work often focuses on themes of violence, redemption, and the struggle for survival in a harsh, unforgiving world.

Richard Ford - Ford's writing is characterized by its understated elegance. He has a gift for capturing the complexities of human relationships and the quiet moments that define our lives.

John Steinbeck - Steinbeck's writing is known for its simple, direct style. He often wrote about the struggles of working-class Americans and their search for dignity and meaning in a harsh world.

Scott Fitzgerald - Fitzgerald's writing is characterized by its poetic beauty and elegant prose. He was a master of the short powerful sentence, and his work is filled with vivid imagery and sensory details.

Truman Capote - Capote's writing is known for its vivid descriptions and attention to detail. He was a master of the narrative form, and his work often focused on the lives of outsiders and misfits.

Oscar Wilde - Wilde's writing style is characterized by its wit and humor, as well as its elegant use of language. He was a master of the epigram, a concise and clever statement, and his work often explored social conventions and the hypocrisy of the upper class. Wilde's writing style is characterized by its wit and humor, as well as its elegant use of language.


ChatGPT is a gold mine! And for the first time, unlike other inventions, it is a level playing field where everyone can participate—learn the secrets in my new book, The Rise of An Idea: My Secret Formula. Order a FREE Sample for a PC, Cell, or mobile device, or buy it on Amazon. Click here.

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* Also, available in paperback.
